Метро сегодня было особенно продуктивным.
Я понял что могу не толко с англ. на рус., но и с рус. на англ.
Вроде похоже, а вроде нет )
Грамматика? Какая грамматика? Solid light armor, impossible speed,
Godspeed long spear impales the target.
He, who will never face the defeat,
‘Cause you can’t touch one, who’ll never been stagnate.
You there, whose spear welcomes foe,
Pouring on him barrage of strikes.
Prepare to be summoned to our low storey,
I’ll be you Master, to our delights.
Together we’ll dive in horrors of battle.
We’ll meet our foes and will fight them all.
Then we will show them, whose nerves strong like a metal -
No one of them can avoid a fall.
And then we’ll obtain this holy chalice.
It will give us chance to fulfill our dreams.
Yes, you will take it, but not be so malice,
Or I’ll remind you, who is your prince.
But this will be after, a treaty goes first.
Things like a contract must be concluded.
C’mon servant Lancer, stop be a ghost.
You’re a smart guy, you can’t be deluded.
We’ll challenge to battle almighty Heroes
And their stupid Masters – they're nothing but brats.
You are the champion, I am damn serious.
For those who will argue – you’ll impale their hearts.
Не знаю как вам, а русская версия мне напоминает Базетт, а английская - Кайнета